Cargo theft is a $30 billion a year business.
1. Although the number of thefts per year has gone down, thieves have been targeting higher value merchandise, resulting in a 36% rise in the average value of thefts.
2. Theft is not the only risk, cargo faces a number of exposures that can result in damage while in a warehouse or in transit.
We understand that protecting goods from the point of departure to point of delivery is a necessity. Travellers Inland Marine will help navigate a clear route for your transportation or other logistic insurance needs, so you can stay focused on your business.
Insurance for your property while it is in transit on your own vehicles or through a public or contract motor carrier, rail or air carrier. Our transportation policy will keep your business operating in the event of a loss while we determine the extent of the carrier’s legal liability. This coverage is vital to businesses utilizing just-in-time delivery methods.
Who is this right for?
Cargo and Logistics
The trucking industry does not have a standard definition of what services a carrier or logistics provider offers, so we offer an Insurance package which can be tailored to your specific operation.